Privacy Policies

SIRENNET.COM is committed to the security of our customers while they are visiting our online store. We endeavor to provide our customers with a simple means of purchasing via the Internet. The process of placing an order requires specific information (name, addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, credit cards) that ensures the order will be processed quickly and correctly.

When you provide either personal or departmental information we will in no way give or sell that information to any outside company or individual for its use in marketing or solicitation. We will maintain the confidentiality of your information while using it to support your relationship with SIRENNET.COM. We hope to provide a site that provides quick and efficient information to fulfill our customer's needs. Our intention is to send e-mail, faxes, and catalogs only to those customers that wish to be notified of new products and pricing. If a customer wishes to be removed from these lists you have the right at any time to discontinue these services.

The website offers the latest encryption technology so that any information transmitted via the Internet is fully protected. SIRENNET.COM has developed a comprehensive process to handle any questions that you may have with your online privacy. We also support the establishment of external programs for consumer recourse, such as the development of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Online (BBB Online®).